

* photos, and images ; http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=flags&gbv=1&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi http://www.google.fr/images?ie=ISO-8859-1&hl=fr&source=hp&q=flags&gbv=1&sa=X&oi=image_result_group http://www.google.de/s…






言うまでもないが、この文章はフィクションである。 いま、ある一つの部屋におり、静かにタイプをしている。部屋の窓は閉ざされていて、外はすでに暗い。反対側の扉も閉ざされており、その向こうにある廊下の様子をみることはできない。ただ静かにパソコンの…

simulacra of 2nd birth of Bacchus

* simulacra of 2nd birth of Bacchus 2nd cycle/ Pattern AA ; recomposed version of A, EF, H * *

simulacra of 2nd birth of Bacchus

* simulacra of 2nd birth of Bacchus Pattern H ; remixed version of G * *

simulacra of 2nd birth of Bacchus

* simulacra of 2nd birth of Bacchus Pattern G ; remixed version of F * * * * go to next versions... * * * * * (ADVERTISEMENT)

simulacra of 2nd birth of Bacchus

* simulacra of 2nd birth of Bacchus Pattern EF ; remixed version of D * * * * * * (ADVERTISEMENT)

simulacra of 2nd birth of Bacchus

* simulacra of 2nd birth of Bacchus Pattern D ; remixed version of C * * * * * * (ADVERTISEMENT) *

simulacra of 2nd birth of Bacchus

* simulacra of 2nd birth of Bacchus Pattern ABC ; BC are remixed version of A. * * * * * * (ADVERTISEMENT)

Quatro Quartets

* At the still point of the turning world. Neither flesh nor fleshless; Neither from nor towards; at the still point, there the dance is, But neither arrest nor movement. And do not call it fixity, Where past and future are gathered. Neit…

BCKT remix

*I stay here, sitting, if I'm sitting, often I feel sitting, sometimes standing, it's one or the other, or lying down, there's another possibility, often I feel lying down, it's one of the three, or kneeling. I gave up before birth, it is…


* PLATES OF VOLUMES notes; graphic score or graphical instructions to the volume of sounds of music. as to interpretation, anyhow you can read it. about playing time, 1seconds〜24years or so you want to play. about volume, 0dBHL〜500d…